Sunday, 19 August 2007

Passive Smoking: Marie

According to the person who posted this French public health awareness commercial, it won a 2005 Cannes Silver/Clio Bronze award for advertising. I'm pretty sure it was originally in French, but the grim dub fits with the visuals.

So, we're told, since Marie has resided at her current address, she's smoked - er, a LOT of cigarettes. They're all over the floor, look! And in the car! And floating in the fish tank! I know the French like their Gauloises and what have you, but this is pushing it. Especially when we find out that she's only seven years old. "When you smoke, non - smokers smoke too," says the endline. I feel REALLY sorry for Marie's family then, because one commenter said:

That's around 50-60 cigarettes a day, if my calculations are correct.

Not only is everyone else breathing in her second hand smoke. At this rate, she'll have lung cancer before she's out of her teens. I think she should be taken into care immediately, and her parents prosecuted for giving cigarettes to a seven - year - old. And cruelty to the goldfish. That'll teach 'em.

Still, it's a twist you don't see coming (unless you've seen the PIF before), and a lot more tasteful than the recent UK campaign with young children breathing cigarette smoke out of their noses. I might post about that one another time. I think the simple visuals here work a lot better than deliberate "shock tactics", but maybe that's just me.

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