Monday, 20 August 2007

Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases

Don't you just hate it when some practical joker kicks you into a river? Or when they rig up the door so heavy books fall on your head when you walk through?

Well, get over yourself. They're "a nuisance, but pretty harmless". What's not so harmless is the type who sneezes all over everyone whenever they like, without a handkerchief. They're not a nuisance. They're a real danger! They've probably infected thousands of people already! That's where this 1950s PIF comes in. And after being given a nice clean hanky, the star of the clip is left in no doubt about what to do next time someone covers him in pepper. Sneeze? Handkerchief. Sneeze? Handkerchief. Sneeze? Handkerchief!

Handkerchiefs weren't as hygienic as disposable tissues, and back in the '50s tuberculosis was a lot more common, so this was an important message at the time. Then again, what else would you use a handkerchief for?

Those of you familiar with classic PIFs should recognize the actor as Richard Massingham, who became the founding father of public information films when he discovered there was a niche in the market for public education, and set up his own company to produce them. He was then commissioned by the Ministry of Information to appear in most PIFs made during WWII and the 1950s. So, fans of the genre owe a hearty "Thank you" to Mr Massingham. I'll be profiling more of his work another time.

Alternatively, if Hancock's Half Hour is more your thing, you may remember that the "Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases" line was parodied in an episode called The Blood Donor. It's a classic catchphrase now, much like "This is your brain on drugs" across the Atlantic.

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