Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Drink Driving: Skeletons

Thanks to jillc for the link once again.

Back in 1986, when he was a black man rather than a white woman, Wacko Jacko was still top of the pops with his hit single Beat It. Thriller was also popular, but that's because the fans had not yet witnessed the tremendous thrill of being dangled over a hotel balcony at the tender age of six months. This was the kind of music you could dance to with your mates on a Saturday night, and if you were having a drink or two you might not notice the lyrics becoming a little more ominous:

You have to show them that you're really not scared
You're playing with your life, this ain't no truth or dare
But you wanna be bad

Ooh, appropriate. And there's nothing more badass than downing a keg or two of beer and then taking the car for a spin. Really impresses the ladies, don'tcha know. Don't ask me why a pretty girl like that is hanging around with two guys who look like refugees from Saved By the Bell, but ho hum.

It is the law that every anti - drink driving campaign ever made has to feature someone saying pathetically "Are you SURE it's OK to drive?" And of course, the driver isn't worried. "What's a few beers?" sez he. A few beers, my arse. I don't think this bloke could stand up unassisted, let alone drive a car. But no one cares and they merrily jump in the back, which leaves us with no surprises when ...

Well, who knew that just putting the key in the ignition could be fatal? Don't forget, folks, if you allow a friend to drink and drive, you're as good as dead - because drinking and driving can kill a friendship. (Especially when it was you that distracted them from the road, now the car is a write - off and no one's insured.) Close up of someone shaking hands with a skeleton, cue endline. Big round of applause, ladies and gents!

Thought for the day: I wonder if Jackson is still claiming royalties from this, 21 years down the line? Suppose it's shown on TV again, like someone does another documentary and uses that clip, does he still get the money? Bastard.

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