Friday, 14 September 2007

Movie Piracy: Stealing

I don't know when this was first produced or shown. I seem to remember seeing it at the cinema even before DVDs were commonplace, so it might be from the '90s. It's made by the Federation Against Copyright Theft rather than the COI, which means technically it's not a real public information film. But it's still not - for - profit advertising.

So, it's been running for up to a decade or more in cinemas and on DVD releases. And to call it "pointless" or "crap" doesn't come close. In the words of slavicoffee at the snark website Godawful Fan Fiction:

My first thought upon seeing this was, "If I was out stealing cars and purses left and right, I don't think downloading Eddie Izzard - Dressed to Kill is going to be at the top of the list when people are talking about my awful crimes."

Why are you lecturing people about piracy when they've just PAID to watch a movie? How do you know I'm not a car thief? If I was, would I give a toss about downloading illegal bittorrent that I'll never be arrested or fined for?

I know someone who claims this ad came on while she was in the cinema and then her mother turned round and said "That reminds me. You need to show me how to download the new Robbie Williams album when we get home." Couldn't have said it better myself.

Well, time to go, I'm off to download some Super Sentai episodes on bittorrent.

1 comment:

Matt Beahan said...

I've just illegally downloaded that ad.

Stick THAT up yer arse, F.A.C.T!